Can I Install a Mini Split Myself?

by Alex Goodwin May 28, 2024

Can I Install a Mini Split Myself? A Guide for DIY Enthusiasts

To all the DIYers and Weekend Warriors, installing a ductless mini split system before the summer is often a top priority. However, installing a mini split isn't as straightforward as other DIY projects like paving a driveway or installing a bathtub. So, what should you consider before taking on this task?

Assessing Your Installation Experience

Before diving in, evaluate your DIY experience and be honest with yourself. If you’ve successfully tackled numerous home improvement projects like kitchen or bathroom renovations, installing a mini split system might be within your capabilities. However, if the thought of assembling a bookshelf makes you anxious, it’s probably best to leave this task to the professionals.

Choosing the Right Mini Split System

Mini splits come in various shapes, sizes and brands. One critical component of a ductless mini split system is the refrigerant. This coolant is essential for the system’s operation but can be hazardous to both humans and the environment. Traditional systems often require the refrigerant to be vacuumed and adjusted, a job for a licensed HVAC technician.

However, DIY mini split systems, like those pioneered by MRCOOL, eliminate the need for a professional. These systems feature patented Quick-Connect Line Sets that attach seamlessly to both the air handler and condenser. Since these line sets are pre-charged, there’s no need to charge or vacuum the refrigerant.

Additional Considerations

We recommend enlisting help for the installation, as mounting and positioning the air handlers typically require two sets of hands. Additionally, check the weather to ensure safe conditions for installing the outdoor unit.

Are There Tasks I Shouldn't Do Myself?

Most ductless mini split systems require hard wiring directly into a breaker box. For any electrical installations, we strongly recommend hiring a licensed electrician or a professional with ample experience in these installations.

While installing a mini split system might seem daunting at first, choosing the right DIY system can enable most DIYers and Weekend Warriors to complete the installation in just a few hours.


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